Montana Rural Voters understands the importance of having strong rural communities and we know how crucial it is to elect candidates that are committed to fighting for a thriving rural Montana. That’s why we make public endorsements in critical federal elections.
Montana Rural Voters is proud to endorse
Senator Jon Tester – United States Senate

Monica Tranel – Montana’s First Congressional District

Voting Resources
- Check your voter registration status, find your polling place, or check the status of your absentee ballot.
- Start your voter registration online or print a voter registration form and mail it into your local elections office.
- Sign up to receive your ballot in the mail by printing an absentee ballot application or a voter registration form and mailing it into your local elections office.
For more information visit the Secretary of State Elections and Voter Services website.
Yes! I want to support real change for rural Montana.
Paid for by Montana Rural Voters (WORC), mtruralvoters.org and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. Montana Rural Voters is a project of the Western Organization of Resource Councils.