About Montana Rural Voters
Montana Rural Voters works to defend and elect candidates for federal office who will champion rural issues. We work to change the political landscape in non-election years by elevating these crucial issues to elected officials that will stand up for our values, and we seek to empower and activate rural Montanans.
Across the state, rural families are banding together with the Montana Rural Voters to amplify their voices and build power with hard working, grassroots families like yours.
- We make sure everyone has the opportunity to register to vote, to cast a ballot, and to engage in our democracy.
- We educate rural voters about the policies being debated by elected officials that directly affect their livelihood and the legacy they want to leave behind.
- We give rural leaders the tools they need to stand up in their communities, voice their concerns, and effect change.
- We elect candidates who support rural Montana values.
Your life is impacted daily by the people we elect. Now more than ever, we need to make strong strategic gains while holding our ground and supporting elected officials who will go to bat for our issues.
Our values
- Family-based sustainable farming and ranching are good for Montana’s economy, our environment, and our rural communities. Montana is a better place when family farms and ranches are thriving.
- Restoring mandatory Country-of-Origin-Labeling (COOL) to support ranchers and consumers.
- Creating a clean energy future that works for everyone. Transitioning to clean energy sources now to protect the places and people we love.
- Fighting for small businesses and a sustainable rural economy
- Competitive, fair markets for ranchers and producers
Our partners
Montana Rural Voters is a member of the Western Organization of Resource Councils’ Grassroots Democracy Program, which is the 501c4 political arm of WORC. The Grassroots Democracy Program is a regional coalition of rural vote programs and Native vote organizations that work together to elect candidates that will champion progressive issues and support rural, Indigenous and Latinx communities. We do this by identifying and training our member leaders to run for office, holding elected officials accountable throughout the year, and passing smart public policy to advance our issues at the state, local, and federal level.
Grassroots Democracy Program Groups
Learn more about the Grassroots Democracy Program.
Yes! I want to support real change for rural Montana.
Paid for by Montana Rural Voters (WORC), mtruralvoters.org and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. Montana Rural Voters is a project of the Western Organization of Resource Councils.